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[SCCS]10/06/17: 学生拼字比赛等 Spelling bee competition, etc

Time: 2017-10-06 23:42:24 -- Number: 263


2.学校为了更好地和会员交流,特开通Google Group,你如果没有收到Google group的信函,说明你的e-mail地址可能没有成功加入,请和support@ynhchineseschool.org联系。

3.学校财务将清理本学期还有应交款未交的家庭,具体的算法是:除去会员费、值班押金、注册费(8月31日之前缴费的家庭免注册费)以外,所缴的费用一定要足够本学期的学费,没有及时缴够的家庭,将按迟缴费一样处理,加收注册费,希望欠费家庭配合。如果你多缴了费用,学校网上应该显示credit,你可以登录你的帐号,选择Billing and Payment History,最下面会有4种选择,最简单的办法是将credit留在学校(你什么都不需要做),下一年注册的时候会自动用在你们的学费上。

4.10月21日7:30由著名播音员方明、薛飞、李立宏、徐涛,演员杜宁林、于同云等参与演出的《聆响行歌》新诗百年诗歌朗诵将在耶鲁大学Woolsey Hall举行,演出免费入场。22日下午主要演员将到中文学校和大家见面,具体的安排将另行通知。22日晚6时将在Milford Boston Post Mall里的The Buffet Palace (1201 Boston Post Rd #1200, Milford, CT 06460)晚宴,目前还有30个座位供中文学校会员报名参与,每位$25,如果你有兴趣参加,请携带支票到办公室报名(non refundable),先到先得。



  • 10月22日上课时间进行初赛。事先找好两位家长担任裁判,并记录时间和成绩。
  • 在 对应的年级字库里随机抽取10个字,参赛者正确说出读音并组词(或造句),认读汉字最多的人获胜。
  • 如用该年级字库无法决出名次时,可启用下一年级字库,比如六年级先用五年级的字库,然后可用四年级字库、三年级字库,依此类推)
  • 10人以下的班级取前两名,10人以上班级取前三名。每班可再选取一名作为替补(如果决赛的时候选手没有出现,那么替补可以上台参加比赛)
  • 如果名次并列,可随机选字,并列者轮流认读,先认不出汉字的落选。
  • 10月29日将举行年级比赛,具体安排另行通知。


  • 班内初赛:所有参赛者而未得名次的奖励10 points
  • 年级决赛:参加未进入前三名者奖励 50 points。 胜出者奖励:年级第一名:$30,第二名:$20,第三名:$10.



南康中文学校校长 丁俊琪

Dear SCCS members,

1. We will have regular school this coming Sunday (Oct 8). Next Sunday (Oct 15), we will not have chinese school due to the open house for SCSU.

2. To enhance the communication between school and members, we open a Google Group. You should receive a verification e-mail from the group. If you did not, please contact as soon as possible. It is very important for us to have an effective method to communicate.

3. The school finance group will contact these families who still owe school tuition fee for this semester. The way to calculate whether you still owe the school tuition fee is that after we take off the membership fee, registration fee and safety deposition from your payment, whether you have sufficient fund to cover the tuition fee for this semester. If you overpaid the school, your account should show that you have credit in the school. The best way is to do nothing so we will leave the credit for next year. If you want to get refund check or donate the credit to school, you can login to your account and choose the menu: Billing and Payment History. In the last few lines in the page, you should have 4 options. Choose one so the finance group can process your request.

4. At 7:30 pm of Oct 21, there will be a poem recital in Woolsey Hall. The commentators, actors and actresses from China will perform there. The event is open to public with free admission. In the afternoon of Oct 22, the group will come to SCCS. The detail will be followed. In the evening of Oct 22, we will have dinner with these commentators, actors and actresses in the The Buffet Palace of Boston Post Mall, Milford. We have 30 seats for SCCS members with $25/seat. If you want to join the dinner with the guests from China, please bring a check to school office. The payment is non-refundable.

5. The Chinese spelling bee competition will held in Oct 22 and 29. This is the competition for the students in Grade 3 to 7 of heritage class. If any student in the non-heritage class wants to join the competition, please contact me directly. We will place you to the classroom of the same grade with minimal student numbers. The requirement is the same as for heritage students. If you want to know more about the competition rule, please refer the no 5 in the Chinese version above.

6. We will have different competitions for other graders. Stay tuned.

7. If you finish the online survey regarding the Children Choir, you should receive my e-mail regarding the meeting this Sunday (2:45-3:15 in Rm A109). 

See you this Sunday.

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