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[SCCS]11/20/2018: few important things before the end of the semester

Time: 2018-11-30 20:19:53 -- Number: 303


1. 本学期还有三次上课时间,但由于冬天可能发生恶劣天气,请大家注意学校的通知,如果发生因恶劣天气而无法上课的情况,学校会在星期天10点前通过微信、网站和电邮通知,同时我们也会通过各个班级的任课老师通知各位家长。

2. 本周日(12月2日),由于本人正在旅行,将由李戎真副校长代理校长一职,有事请和李校长联系。

3. 如果由于不可抗拒的原因,下学期无法来学校的学生,需要取消中文学校的课程,请家长直接给我发电邮,说明理由,我将酌情处理。退回的学费将会自动打回你的账上,家长值班的押金原则上在5月份学年结束后统一处理(包括搬到外州的家庭),但如果有的家庭全家需要离开美国的,学校也会个案处理。学费或押金退回你的账上后,你需要到学校网站点击要求退款,具体操作请参看

4. 学校一年一度的春节联欢会将在2019年2月3日在南康大学的Lyman Center and Englemann Hall举行,目前各个班级的节目正在由各班的老师和同学一起准备,个人节目将由PTA统一协调,请留意PTA的通知。同时,如果有愿意赞助这次活动的,也请和PTA联系。

5. 由《侨报》主办的第七届少年儿童中文大赛,我校有多位学生入围复赛,明天将在纽约参加复赛,祝愿他们取得优异的成绩,同时也感谢积极组织的老师和支持孩子参赛的家长。

6. 学校3年级到7年级举办的认字比赛本周日将举办决赛,具体的安排已经通过各个年级的老师发出通知,请各位参加复赛的同学认真准备,争取取得佳绩,学校为了鼓励更多的同学认字,特别不限一等奖的名额,参加的同学通过多轮比赛如果还是不分胜负,将并列一等奖,凡是进入周日复赛的同学,都将有奖励,我们也鼓励家长对参赛的同学做出一定的奖励,以资鼓励。


Dear SCCS members,

1. We still have 3 sessions for this semester. Please pay attention to the school announcement due to inclement weather. Usually the school will announce any change no later than 10am in the Sundays. Make sure that you will check your e-mail or school website if you are not sure whether the school will be closed.

2. I am traveling now and Mrs. Rongzhen Li, the vice principal, will assume my responsibility this Sunday. Please contact her if you have any question this Sunday.

3. If your child(ren) cannot attend the school  next semester due to unpredictable reason, please send me an e-mail to explain. I will remove the registration for you. Usually the tuition fee will be back to your account immediately. But the safety patrol deposition will be processed after the end of the school year unless you move out of the country. When your refund is in your account, you can request the refund check by following the instruction in the pdf file:

4. The Chinese New Year Gala is our annual biggest event. The 2019 gala will be held on Feb 3 in Lyman Center and Englemann Hall. The program will include two parts: based on class or individual groups. Contact your teacher if you can help. For individual performance, please pay attention to the announcement from PTA.

5. We are delightful that there are several students who past the first round of the Chinese competition organized by Qiaobao. They will attend the 2nd round competition tomorrow at NYC. Thanks to all teachers and parents who organize and encourage your students to participate in the competition.

6. The Chinese Spelling Bee competition will be held this Sunday for the final round (3rd-7th grades). Please help your children to prepare. We made some changes in the procedure to encourage every student to participate the competition.


Junqi Ding 

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